Job Search Drop-In for International Talent

Invitation from International Citizen Hub Lund

Once a month on Thursday afternoons you will be able to receive support at International Citizen Hub Lund and learn a new approach to your job search. 

The session will include an information seminar with general guidance when writing your CV and cover letter in Sweden, starting at 13.00.

Afterwards you will have time to ask specific questions and receive support in your own process. Not at least this is a great opportunity to mingle and make new connections with other internationals in similar situation.

Looking forward to seeing you soon! And be prepared to meet other people in the same circumstance as we take this journey together. 

11 May – 13:00-15:00 

Live at Ekska huset, Sankt Petri Kyrkogata 4, Lund.

For this event you don’t need to sign up. 
All our services are free of charge.

During our events we sometimes take photographs and short film clips to profile our activities. Please let us know if you don’t want to be in any photos/films before we start the event.

By registering you give permission to the City of Lund, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to register your name and e-mail address to be used for the sole purpose of distributing newsletters and invitations to events.

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